Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars

"Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars--Say that five times fast!"

I've been meaning to make protein bars/energy bars/any type of bar, really, for a while now, because I never have, and I love the convenience of grab and go snacks. I bought dates a while ago and it was just a matter of finding time to create the perfect bar! Larabars have been my new addiction as of late, so I used these bars and their simple, minimal ingredients for inspiration. These are great as a grab and go snack for active individuals, and they're a perfect surprise for a friend or family member who frequently hits the gym. If you try out this recipe, please feel free to use your creative license and go crazy with adding your favorite healthy mix-ins (I offer some suggestions below).

Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars:
-2 8 oz. boxes of pitted dates
-a little less than 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 
-1/3 cup chia seeds 
-1/2 cup dried cranberries
-1/2 cup dried unsweetened coconut flakes (plus a heaping handful for topping the bars)
-1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
-2-3 tbsp warm water
-Optional: any other additional mix-ins you'd like, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp protein powder, coarsely chopped almonds, any types of dried fruit, etc. 
-Optional: oat flour dusting to prevent mixture from sticking to your hands/the wax paper (I didn't use any but I found this idea on Pinterest)

1. Add dates to a food processor and pulse until they are in small pieces and are beginning to stick together in one big pile (my food processor decided to stop working today so I had to resort to a blender which was a lot trickier)! Add 2-3 tbsp warm water if the dates aren't chopping well and/or seem too dry. 
2. Add cocoa powder and chia seeds; pulse again. 
3. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, add remaining mix-ins, and knead by hand (messy but fun)!
4. Lay out a long piece of wax paper on a cutting board or cookie sheet and press the mixture down on the sheet into a large, 1/2 in. thick rectangle. Sprinkle with some more coconut and fold the wax paper up and around the large bar (cover the entire rectangle like you are wrapping a present). 
5. Wrap the wax paper-wrapped chia bar slab in tinfoil, place back on the cutting board, and let cool in the fridge for about 24 hours. Slice into bars, and individually wrap each bar in its own wax/foil combo (a plastic bag may work, but the bar will probably stick a tad).

The walnuts give these bars their protein, as do the chia seeds. Chia seeds, as I've mentioned in other posts, are a super food that curbs appetite, provides energy during/after a work out, and aids the body in plenty of other ways! Happy post-workout eating! :)

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