Thursday, September 10, 2015

Easy Almond Flour Pancakes

"A gluten free; guilt free short stack"

I haven't posted in forever! I was away on vacation for half of August, and as soon as I returned I started a new job. Feels good to be back at it. A few weeks ago I went to one of my favorite health food stores, Nature's Pantry, in Fishkill. Some items I love to buy there are activated charcoal soap (it makes cool black bubbles and works wonders on your pores!), tea tree oil & ginger toothpaste, vegetarian sausage, flavored peanut butter (S'mores!), and Immune Defense vitamins for when I'm feeling sick! This time I decided to buy almonds to make my own almond flour for the first time. This was my Grandma's suggestion because almond flour (which is simply ground up almonds) is usually $14 for a 16 oz. bag, and a pound of whole almonds is $8 or $9. I crushed the almonds with my Bullet, but you can also use a food processor.

Almond Flour Pancakes
-1 cup almond flour (ground up almonds)
-2 eggs
-1/3 cup almond milk
-1 tbsp. honey or agave (optional)

1.  Convert the almonds to almond flour using a food processor or the like.
2. Whisk all ingredients together and add more milk if the mixture seems to thick, or more flour if the mixture seems too runny.
3. Grease a frying pan with coconut oil on medium heat and drop 4-inch round (or any size) pancakes in the pan.
4. Carefully flip when the pancake begins to bubble (you may find that these are harder to flip than normal pancakes).
5. Remove from heat after the second side has finished cooking and serve hot with agave and fresh fruit!

Happy, healthy breakfast eating :)

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