Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Grad Life

Now that my senior project is over, I'm going to be posting about food that I eat in a more general sense. I won't be judging each picture solely on how it looks; but rather, I will include where I bought the dish if I'm out to eat, or how I made it if I'm making dinner in. Stay tuned and wish me luck as I try to land a food/farm-related job! 

Below: a mojito I made before Culture Shock--a music festival that takes place late April at SUNY Purchase each year. Ask your local liquor store if they sell an all natural, low-in-sugar mojito mix, mine did! Mix that with white rum, mint leaves (rub them in your hands a little bit to bring out the smell and taste), a splash of seltzer water, and some ice! To die for.

P.S. I'm vegetable gardening and raising chickens in my backyard, so I'll keep y'all updated on how that's going, too! 

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