Thursday, March 10, 2016

Change is Good

"Change up...and I ain't talking baseball!"

First, let me start off by saying that if you're reading this, you're a beautiful person. I really appreciate the fact that you're taking five minutes out of your day to read about something that is important to me, and by default, important to you since this is a food blog and everyone eats. For those of you who aren't reading this, you're beautiful, too (however, since you are in fact not reading this post, you will not get to feel warm and fuzzy inside from the compliment I just gave). 

Second of all, did anyone notice that the name of my blog changed? Probably not a whole lot of you since my blog is still young and has only received about 2000 views to date. I added "& Other Foraging," and kept the original "Photogenic Foods" part, bringing you: "Photogenic Foods & Other Foraging." But what does foraging mean? Well according to

Forage- to search widely for food

I like this definition because to retrieve food really should require a search. It should require effort. Food should not be 'fast' as in the expression, 'fast food.' Searching for food, in this day and age, usually means a trip to Shop Rite and the like. But who is down for a more adventurous search for our food, and some channeling of our inner caveman and cavewoman? I certainly am.

 To add, the act of eating should bring us closer to our outdoor environment. Walking to your backyard and being able to put together a freshly grown, colorful salad will give you an out-of-this-world, happy feeling in your soul (and in your tummy) that going out to a fancy restaurant never could (restaurants that use farm fresh ingredients are a different story). And I'm not saying that all food needs to come from our backyard. Times have changed, people are hippy self gets that. I love Oreos; I'm human, too. But everyone can do a little something to get to know fresh foods firsthand, and trust me, it's fun stuff.

 SO...long story short (now that I've already given you the long story), I feel like my blog title needed change because it had to better reflect my passions: food that is visually beautiful (like ya'll), food that respects both Mother Nature and animals, and food that you have to get a little dirty in your search for. Before today, I had a separate, private blog where I posted about my experience raising chickens. From today on, I think that this multi-faceted, revamped blog will be the perfect platform to share my chicken raising stories, pretty pictures of food that I eat in my own house or out at a restaurant, and last but not least, posts about outdoor, food-related endeavors I've recently undertook (like preserving pumpkin seeds, growing garlic, and tapping maple trees for syrup). Please come along with me on this ride!


In my belly today: spicy Bloody Marys with my best friend in the Bronx.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Marinara Baked Eggs

"Move Over Bacon, Egg, and Cheese"

Hey ya'll! Haven't been able to blog in quite some time...but that certainly doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. I probably wrote about it in a previous post, but I've been so busy because I recently started working more hours at my awesome foodie job! I work at The Valley Table--a quarterly magazine that connects people who live in the Hudson Valley to local farmers and restauranteurs, and organizes Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. Those of you who know me well can easily understand how this is like a dream job to me. Feeling super blessed. ANYWHO, some more awesome news..........drum roll please..........MY CHICKENS STARTED LAYING EGGS! The first egg was found in the coop mid-November, and we have been tracking every egg that has been laid in 2016. The count is currently at 43 eggs for January 2016, and the first pastel blue egg, laid by one of my araucauna hens (who have been a bit slower to mature), was laid two days ago! So exciting. By the way, please let me know, come springtime, if you'd like to buy some of my organic, backyard eggs.

After saying this, you are officially forewarned that a lot of my recipes are going to involve eggs. But not just any old egg that will make a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich go hide in a corner, embarrassed. Please comment on my posts, via Facebook, or directly on my blog, with feedback, suggestions, and more! Marinara Baked Eggs
-2 eggs (mine were from the backyard!)
-1/2 cup marinara sauce (I love Rao's)
-2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
-2 tbsp half & half
-1 small handful of shredded mozzarella (1/4 cup)
-one slice of darkly toasted Italian bread for dipping (optional)
-salt, pepper, and fresh basil to taste

1. Preheat oven to 425 F and lightly grease a single serving casserole/over-sized ramekin (mine are Rachael Ray brand and I bought them on Amazon for dirt cheap).

2. Add marinara, eggs, half and half, and cheese to the ramekin, in that order.
3. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until you think the egg is cooked and the yolk is still runny (poke with a fork to test).
4. When done, remove from the oven and sprinkle with salt, pepper, fresh basil, and enjoy!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Farro and Poached Egg Breakfast Bowl

"Quinoa's Cousin"

Hi all! I've been a fan of farro for a while but I've never tried cooking it in my own kitchen until this month. Farro is a grain that is often compared to quinoa because it has the same protein content: 7g per serving. I love both grains, but farro contains a tad more calcium and fiber than quinoa and tastes a bit tougher and brown rice-like, so I totally urge you all to try it! I've bought it as a cold salad before, and when I had it, I think it was mixed with dried cranberries, nuts, veggies, and a vinaigrette (YUM)! But I wanted to try make hot farro and top it with veggies and eggs to create a mouthwatering breakfast bowl. I see breakfast bowls all over Pinterest lately. It seems like people are getting bored of eggs and toast, and this is an awesome way to switch up one's morning meal routine. It's SO easy, too...especially if you cook the farro ahead of time and store it in your fridge! One more pointer--my boyfriend, John, taught me to use a frying pan to poach eggs rather than a pot and it really keeps the egg more "together"!

Farro and Poached Egg Breakfast Bowl
-2 eggs
-1.5 cups farro (I say this amount because it will conveniently last you about a week in your fridge)
-frozen or fresh veggies of your choice 
-1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
-EVOO, salt, and pepper to taste

1. Rinse farro and place in a medium-sized pot. Add 4 cups of water and carefully bring to a boil. Once the water is boiling, turn the heat all the way down to a simmer, cover, and cook for another 25 minutes or until the farro is slightly tough (tip: think al dente pasta). If there is still extra water in the pot at the end, pour out or strain.
2. Fill a frying pan with water and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (this helps keep the egg cohesive, too). Bring to a boil and crack both eggs into the water. Cook for about 5 minutes and try to keep the eggs as "together" as possible with a large wooden spoon. 
3. Cook veggies according to package if frozen, or slice and bake them in the oven for 20-25 minutes with some extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper at 375F if fresh (flip veggies halfway through). I used spinach in this picture but I've also cubed and baked a sweet potato for this recipe and it was delish!
4. Place farro in a bowl and top with veggies, eggs, some EVOO, salt, and pepper and VOILA! You have yourself a yummy, healthy, breakfast bowl!

Happy eating! :)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Pumpkin Chana Masala (Pumpkin Curried Chick Peas)

"Ditch the Pumpkin Spice Latte"

Hello friends and happy October! As much as I love a good Pumpkin Spice Latte, I want to be more creative with how I consume and cook with pumpkin this fall. Excitingly, I found a recipe on Pinterest, and changed it up quite a bit to be my own, for Pumpkin Chana Masala. What is Chana Masala you ask? It simply means Indian chick pea curry. If you have yet to make any one of my thirty blog recipes in your own kitchen, it's okay...I won't be sad...AS LONG AS you try out this one! This is by far the yummiest dish I have ever created in my 22 years of living and it is so simple. Use a crock pot and don't forget the curry!

Pumpkin Chana Masala
-2 15 oz. cans of chick peas, rinsed and drained
-1 medium yellow onion, diced
-2 gloves garlic, minced
-2-3 cups organic vegetable broth (add the third cup after a few hours of cooking if the mixture seems too thick for your liking)
-1 cup green lentils, rinsed
-1 15 oz. can pumpkin puree
-1 tbsp curry
-1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
-1 tsp salt 
-1 15 oz. can coconut milk (look for this is in the international foods section of a grocery store)
-1 cup rice (or more if you'd like), cooked according to the instructions of the package (I used a whole grain rice/quinoa blend)
-fresh lime wedges (optional)
-fresh cilantro (optional but recommended!)

1. Add all ingredients except the coconut milk, rice, lime, and cilantro to a slow cooker and cook on high for 5 hours, stirring every so often.
2. At the end of 5 hours, add the coconut milk, stir, and cook on low for an additional 30 minutes.
3. Serve hot over rice, with a lime wedge and cilantro, and then go jump in a pile of leaves to feel even more fall! :)

This recipe should feed 4 hungry people. Happy fall (and vegan) eating!!!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Portabella Mushroom and Sweet Potato Tacos

"Veggie tacos, anyone?!"

So here's a recipe you MUST try on your next Taco Tuesday (aka tomorrow)! I came up with this recipe myself and I've combined the "steak of vegetables"-- portabella mushrooms-- with the colorful crowd favorite-- sweet potatoes. You can use soft or hard taco shells with this recipe, and I totally recommend making your own guacamole, too (avocados + fresh lime juice + diced tomato + cilantro + salt/pepper). If you're feeling really ambitious-- making your own salsa isn't too tricky, either. I can post my personal recipe in a few days. Even though the steps I've listed for the recipe seem extensive, they're really not. Anyone can make this in under an hour. One more thing--I love my portabella mushrooms grilled but you can also saute them if you'd like (see instructions below).

Portabella Mushroom and Sweet Potato Tacos
-soft or hard taco shells
-one green pepper, sliced into thin, 1-2 in. pieces
-one red pepper, sliced into thin, 1-2 in. pieces
-one yellow onion, sliced into thin, 1-2 in. pieces
-2 large portabella mushrooms (use 3-4 if they are small)
-1 large sweet potato (use 2 if they are small)
-shredded lettuce
-one packet of taco seasoning 
-your favorite hot sauce
-juice of one lime
-toppings of your choice: guacamole, salsa, sour cream, shredded cheddar, etc.

1. Slice the peppers and onions and put them in a pan with some olive oil and a nice sprinkling of taco seasoning (approx 3 tbsp). **You can saute the mushrooms with the peppers and onions in this step if you do not plan on grilling them**. Saute for about 20 minutes--on medium heat in the beginning, and medium-high at the end to blacken a few pieces. Set aside when finished.
2. Marinate the portabella mushrooms with a nice sprinkling of taco seasoning on both sides (approx 2-3 tbsp), fresh lime juice, and your favorite hot sauce (use more if you like spiciness, and less if you do not). Grill the mushroom on high heat for about 5-8 minutes on each side or until they shrink considerably (apply some more hot sauce and lime juice while grilling). Slice into 1-2 in. pieces when finished.
3. Scrub the sweet potato with a sponge, rinse, and poke holes in it with a fork. Wrap it in a paper towel and cook it in the microwave for 5 minutes (this reduces baking time). Place the sweet potato in foil and cook it on the grill or in the oven at 375F for 20 minutes or until soft. Let cool and slice into cubes--leaving or removing the skin! Your choice. (Handle carefully or they will become mashed sweet potatoes).
4. THE BEST PART: make your taco! Pile the mushrooms, sweet potato, peppers, onions, lettuce, guacamole, salsa, and whatever else you'd like to add, and dig in!

This recipe serves 3-4 people! Try it and let me know what you think! Happy eating :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Easy Almond Flour Pancakes

"A gluten free; guilt free short stack"

I haven't posted in forever! I was away on vacation for half of August, and as soon as I returned I started a new job. Feels good to be back at it. A few weeks ago I went to one of my favorite health food stores, Nature's Pantry, in Fishkill. Some items I love to buy there are activated charcoal soap (it makes cool black bubbles and works wonders on your pores!), tea tree oil & ginger toothpaste, vegetarian sausage, flavored peanut butter (S'mores!), and Immune Defense vitamins for when I'm feeling sick! This time I decided to buy almonds to make my own almond flour for the first time. This was my Grandma's suggestion because almond flour (which is simply ground up almonds) is usually $14 for a 16 oz. bag, and a pound of whole almonds is $8 or $9. I crushed the almonds with my Bullet, but you can also use a food processor.

Almond Flour Pancakes
-1 cup almond flour (ground up almonds)
-2 eggs
-1/3 cup almond milk
-1 tbsp. honey or agave (optional)

1.  Convert the almonds to almond flour using a food processor or the like.
2. Whisk all ingredients together and add more milk if the mixture seems to thick, or more flour if the mixture seems too runny.
3. Grease a frying pan with coconut oil on medium heat and drop 4-inch round (or any size) pancakes in the pan.
4. Carefully flip when the pancake begins to bubble (you may find that these are harder to flip than normal pancakes).
5. Remove from heat after the second side has finished cooking and serve hot with agave and fresh fruit!

Happy, healthy breakfast eating :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars

"Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars--Say that five times fast!"

I've been meaning to make protein bars/energy bars/any type of bar, really, for a while now, because I never have, and I love the convenience of grab and go snacks. I bought dates a while ago and it was just a matter of finding time to create the perfect bar! Larabars have been my new addiction as of late, so I used these bars and their simple, minimal ingredients for inspiration. These are great as a grab and go snack for active individuals, and they're a perfect surprise for a friend or family member who frequently hits the gym. If you try out this recipe, please feel free to use your creative license and go crazy with adding your favorite healthy mix-ins (I offer some suggestions below).

Kayla's Chocolate Coconut Cranberry Chia Bars:
-2 8 oz. boxes of pitted dates
-a little less than 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 
-1/3 cup chia seeds 
-1/2 cup dried cranberries
-1/2 cup dried unsweetened coconut flakes (plus a heaping handful for topping the bars)
-1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts
-2-3 tbsp warm water
-Optional: any other additional mix-ins you'd like, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp protein powder, coarsely chopped almonds, any types of dried fruit, etc. 
-Optional: oat flour dusting to prevent mixture from sticking to your hands/the wax paper (I didn't use any but I found this idea on Pinterest)

1. Add dates to a food processor and pulse until they are in small pieces and are beginning to stick together in one big pile (my food processor decided to stop working today so I had to resort to a blender which was a lot trickier)! Add 2-3 tbsp warm water if the dates aren't chopping well and/or seem too dry. 
2. Add cocoa powder and chia seeds; pulse again. 
3. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl, add remaining mix-ins, and knead by hand (messy but fun)!
4. Lay out a long piece of wax paper on a cutting board or cookie sheet and press the mixture down on the sheet into a large, 1/2 in. thick rectangle. Sprinkle with some more coconut and fold the wax paper up and around the large bar (cover the entire rectangle like you are wrapping a present). 
5. Wrap the wax paper-wrapped chia bar slab in tinfoil, place back on the cutting board, and let cool in the fridge for about 24 hours. Slice into bars, and individually wrap each bar in its own wax/foil combo (a plastic bag may work, but the bar will probably stick a tad).

The walnuts give these bars their protein, as do the chia seeds. Chia seeds, as I've mentioned in other posts, are a super food that curbs appetite, provides energy during/after a work out, and aids the body in plenty of other ways! Happy post-workout eating! :)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jalapeno Black Bean Hummus

"Two Beans Means Two-Times-Tastier Hummus"

For this hummus recipe, TWO types of beans are used! That's right! You've got your garbanzo beans or chick peas, which are usually the base of most hummus recipes, plus one of my favorites: black beans. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm giving the kale a break because some jalapenos in my garden have grown to full size! Two different types of beans also means lots of protein. Chick peas have about 2 g of protein per tablespoon, and for black beans, it's about 3 g per tablespoon. 

I like to serve hummus with fresh vegetables, pretzels, pita chips, or crackers. Really anything can be dipped in hummus, and hummus can be a great appetizer, salad topper (just add a dollop in addition to, or instead of salad dressing), or snack.

I made this recipe using two cloves of garlic and it was a tad bit too garlicky for me. If you love garlic, go for it. My grandma loves garlic so much she says if they sold garlic flavored ice cream she'd be first in line! If you're like me and you enjoy garlic but don't want it to overpower your hummus, stick to one clove. For this recipe, I also used 1 jalapeno because I was sharing the hummus with my mom and she is somewhat sensitive to spicy foods. To my surprise, the hummus came out pretty mild. You could totally taste the yummy jalapeno flavor, but even my mom said it could've been a tad I recommend using 1.5 to 2 jalapenos for a medium to hot flavor. 

Jalapeno Black Bean Hummus:
-1 15 oz. can chick peas
-1 15 oz. can black beans
-2 tbsp. tahini
-2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (use more if the hummus appears to be too thick)
-1.5 to 2 chopped jalapenos
-1 clove chopped garlic 
-juice from 1/2 a lemon
-pinch of cayenne pepper
-pinch of cumin
-salt and pepper to taste (I actually don't think I needed to use any!)

1. Open both cans of beans, rinse, and drain. Add both to a food processor.
2. Prep all other ingredients (chop jalapeno and garlic, squeeze lemon juice, etc.) and add to food processor.
3. Pulse to desired smoothness and serve with veggies and crackers! Garnish with a jalapeno ring and/or a few whole black beans if you want to be fancy :)

Happy, healthy eating! :)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cheesy Jalapeno Cauliflower Bake

"Turn Up the Heat"

Tonight I decided to give the kale a break because three JALAPENOS I grew in my garden were ready to be picked! The jalapenos were a tad longer than my index finger, and had a nice plumpness to them. After I picked them I immediately went on Pinterest for some ideas for what I could use them in. It didn't take long for me to find a cauliflower jalapeno bake, but the problem was, the recipe involved tons of butter, a cream cheese layer, AND a cheddar cheese layer in the dish. So I immediately decided not to follow the recipe, and simply used it as a starting point for a healthier one. 

This bake came out awesome! For those of you who love a nice pile of mashed potatoes on their plate--I promise this side dish will taste similar and maybe even better! The consistency is outstanding, and the heat from the jalapenos is surely standout.

Cheesy Jalapeno Cauliflower Bake:
-1 head of cauliflower, chopped up small
-2 tbsp. half and half or almond milk 
-2 tbsp. olive oil
-2 tsp. garlic powder
-2 sliced jalapenos (use 1-1.5 if you are sensitive to spicy foods) 
-3/4 cup low-fat shredded cheddar cheese

1. Preheat oven to 375 F and finely chop the cauliflower.
2. Put the cauliflower in a large microwave safe bowl and add the half and half and olive oil. Stir and microwave for 15 minutes, pausing and stirring the mixture every 5 minutes.
3. Carefully place the steamed cauliflower, 1 chopped jalapeno, garlic powder, and 1/2 cup shredded cheddar into a food processor or blender and blend until almost smooth.
4. Place the cauliflower mixture in an 8x8 baking dish, sprinkle with remaining cheddar and remaining sliced jalapeno, and bake for 10 minutes or until cheese is fully melted. You will know it is done cooking when jalapeno seeds are starting to brown (see browning jalapenos seeds below).

Happy (and spicy) eating!!! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chocolate Black Bean Cake

"Happy Birthday insert name here!"

A few years back when my best friend, Sam, first became a vegetarian, she experimented with some guilt-free dessert recipes for fun, and because both her and I have a serious sweet tooth. She stumbled across a black bean brownie recipe online, and ever since then, the recipe has been a favorite of ours, and has been tweaked throughout the years. Whether we are meeting up on a Monday night to watch The Bachelorette, or we simply need an easy dessert to bring to a party last minute--Sam and I always turn to these black bean brownies, or black bean cake if you add some frosting!

One of the main alterations I've made to the original recipe is that I've substituted coconut oil for vegetable oil. Coconut oil is great for baking, and it contains fatty acids that give you energy and increase brain function! Coconut oil even has a natural SPF of 8-10, which comes in handy during these summer months! I also decided to frost the black bean brownies, especially when celebrating a birthday, to give this dessert a traditional flare. I made this dessert for my boyfriend John's 23rd birthday which was two weeks ago, and I made it for my Grandma's birthday which was today! Having a second slice of cake is sinless with this recipe!

Black Bean Brownies/Cake:
-2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
-4 eggs
-6 tbsp coconut oil
-1 cup granulated sugar
-1/2 cup cocoa powder
-1/4 tsp salt
-2 tsp vanilla
-2 tsp baking powder
-handful of chocolate chips (optional)
-vanilla frosting and sprinkles (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F and grease a 13x9" baking pan with coconut oil.
2. Combine all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds. Pause and mix all ingredients with a wooden spoon to ensure everything is being well-blended. Blend for another 30 seconds or until smooth.
3. Pour batter in pan, top with chocolate chips, and bake for 22 minutes. After the timer goes off, test the cake with a fork and continue cooking for another 3-5 minutes if fork does not come out clean when cake is pierced.
4. Cool completely, ice, and enjoy! 

Something fun to try: if you want to make a heart-shaped cake, rather than using a 13x9" cake pan, pour half of the batter in a 8x8" square cake pan, and the other half in an 8" circular cake pan. Once both cakes are done and have cooled to room temperature, carefully flip both cakes onto a larger dish or cutting board, and cut the circular cake in half. Turn the square cake so that one of the corners is pointed up (almost like a diamond shape), and place the flat sides of the half-circle cakes onto the top left and top right sides of the square cake. Voila! You have a heart shaped cake--and once you ice it, it'll look like the Cake Boss himself made it!

HAPPPPPY eating :)