Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mexican Pizza

September 2013

Today my boyfriend and I ate at Terra Vé, a vegetarian eatery on the SUNY Purchase campus. He ordered a Mexican pizza and I snapped a picture when he was about halfway done and many crumbs were surrounding his half eaten lunch. The crust of this pizza was a flattened tortilla bowl (the deep fried ones that are used in Mexican restaurants as bowls for taco salads). He got to choose 5 pizza toppings and decided to go with yellow rice, black beans, hummus, cheese, jalapenos. To top it all off, he grabbed a side of guacamole and hot sauce. YUM!

My Rating 
aesthetics: 8
-drenched in cheese, hot sauce, and guacomole
-served in a mini pizza box 
taste: 8.5
health: 6

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